Earth Send On 17 May 2024

Dear friends and readers, dear co-meditators, co-creators and fellow reiki practitioners, it is a delightful, dynamic and booming season to be familiarizing ourselves with our own local treasures — the watershed, the soil and what is growing on it, the habitat of our neighbour animals and humans. I manage to flag up connections in every Earth Send.Continue reading “Earth Send On 17 May 2024”

Earth Send On 3 May 2024

May, you are a treat! What gorgeous changes to the land you bring. Aloha. Welcome to the Circle of Mindfulness Santosha / contentment, with Rainbow Tribe Reiki — Fridays, all day Welcome to Earth Send. Welcome to our meditation for the well-being of all life on earth. Welcome, meditators. Welcome, co-creators. Welcome, friends. Welcome, reikiContinue reading “Earth Send On 3 May 2024”