Earth Send On 8 December 2023

Memories of Grandma’s pickles in the pantry, water colour by Pat Choffrut whom you can visit at

I am sending out my gratitude to everyone who is participating in today’s Earth Send. 

This year has been eventful, maybe a tad too eventful for many of us. December is a month to reset the steering compass and to savour the festive atmosphere and our connections.

The things we did not vibe with can be decluttered or contained; and we make space – in our minds, our calendars, our rooms, our priorities, our vital energy – for what we want more of.

Since autumn started, I received plenty of signals of “Not that!”, “unhealthy!”, “No parking here”, “in God’s name, no!”, “waste of time”, “waste of money”, “Keep it moving!”

… It reminded me of all the chapters in my life when I made the decision to lower the volume of the noise and take a timeout instead of letting my hours get devoured by stuff I couldn’t put myself behind, or trying to override the sense that what was being offered was not useful or what I had asked for. 

Life teaches us, as do tension and exhaustion in our bodies, agitation, dread, hemming and hawing, stress and “blah” that what is ahead of us is more of a vibrational match than what we are experiencing in the conditions of now and that we need not linger in the dissonant, in the upset, in dissatisfaction. 

How often do we take a walk in nature, and by moving through the fresh air, we receive input from a new angle and a much higher vantage point? What seemed impossible to figure out or overcome suddenly appears like a stuffy room and the thoughts that can only be had in stuffy rooms.

I want you to think of major decisions a bit like that, too: 

Am I taking in wholesome, health-building and appropriate information? 

Or am I adapting to a situation that I don’t know how to leave? 

Be sincere with yourself. 

Sincerity connects you to your next steps and your strategy for this time.

So today we are broadcasting and extending compassion to ourselves and our past, commitment to our future, and gratitude to the present.

We are sending love and healing thoughts to all beings on earth who can receive them. 

We are sending reiki to all who requested it and to situations that can benefit from the universal life energy.

I will be returning to a more structured invitation by January. 

May your December be a highlight of harmony, loving kindness and gratitude. Use the positive vibes to update, refine, redefine your vision map for the coming year. Delight in everything that is good. 

I humbly receive, in gassho.

I am grateful to all who have sent me good thoughts and reiki when I asked for it in the recent weeks.

8 December 2023

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