From Speed To Ritalin: A Society That Won’t Sober Up

I recommend Martin Kasindorf’s movie about doctor Max Jacobson who treated many US celebrities and politicians of the 20th century with his concoctions of minerals, vitamins, human placenta, enzymes, steroids and methamphetamines.

The movie tells the facts in a light style, but you will find yourself seeing connections between then and now and contemplating observations that you have already made: about the expectation to project an invincible image 24/7, and why a society that is drugged all the time will lose its empathy, emotional intelligence and sense of connection with other people and other living beings.

1 hour, but an hour well spent.

Shoot your thoughts about it after you have watched it.

4 thoughts on “From Speed To Ritalin: A Society That Won’t Sober Up

  1. Thank you for the recommendatio, Nanda.
    I have watched the movie and I have to say that the movie fits into the scenario of an “addicted society”, as Anne Wilson Schaef postulated. The movie even explains some of it.

    From everything I have learned about Addiction and Co-Dependency it seems consistent (as in “folgerichtig”) that addictions have not only prevailed successfully in the manner shown in the film, but even have arised.
    Both the addicted and the co-dependent are too confused to see clearly that they can choose to stop the vicious cycle ANYTIME. This confusion now lasts for hundreds of years, since the industrial production of addictive substances, like alcohol.
    Drugs make the people believe that they are the most precious thing in their lives and everybody who wants to interfere into the relationship between the drug and the addict appears to be a mortal enemy.

    What a perfidy!

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  2. Haven’t seen the movie, but I have always felt, that we are living in an addicted society. The sad thing is, it’s all based on group/peer-pressure. I always wondered why so many rich kids are so terribly messed up. That’s it they are pressured into taking drugs, alcohol and many other things that they basically didn’t wanna do, but if they don’t they can’t be part of that group, so they do whatever it takes not to be an outsider. Very sad indeed!

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